Advertising Rates

Advertise in our newsletter to reach a network of committed and eager anti-war activists.

Ads contained on the pages of the newsletter

price type dimensions
$35 business card 3.375″ × 2″
$75 quarter page 3.5″ × 4.875″
$150 half page horizontal only, 7.5″ × 5″
$300 full page 7.5″ × 10″
$0.50 per word Classified ads approx. 40 words/column inch

Note: Ads will be printed on inside pages only.

Ads on separate sheet to be mailed with the newsletter

1 page (8.5″ × 11″) inserts, black and white only — $200 for 2-sides; $150 for 1-sided (+25% if we do the design and layout). We prefer to design, but you can also email a PDF of your insert to the NWTRCC office.

Only one ad sheet will be allowed per issue. Sheets will be inserted first come first serve, with exceptions for times when NWTRCC includes an organizational insert.  The only issues for which ad sheets will be accepted are the June/July, Aug/Sept, and Oct/Nov issues.

General Information

NWTRCC prints 600 copies of the newsletter; 300 are mailed to subscribers and others are distributed at events, peace centers, and stores. 1,100 are sent electronically to those who have subscribed by e-mail. Advertisements that do not harmonize with the tone and message of NWTRCC may be rejected at the discretion of the editor and NWTRCC’s Administrative Committee.

Send your ad (or ad copy) to NWTRCCPO Box 5616, Milwaukee, WI 53205 with check made out to NWTRCC or email copy to Call with questions, (800) 269-7464.