Index to Letters by Name

Dear IRS- Hear US!

This past Tax Day, Tom Joyce in Ithaca, NY joined others to raise awareness about how much of US taxpayer money goes towards military spending that can result in moral injury. May this ongoing and consistent action inspire! Statement of War Tax Resistance – Tom Joyce April 15, 2024 Since coming to this commitment as… Continue reading

Nicole Morse 2024

| Letters

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service March 24, 2024 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is my completed Form 1040 tax return for the year 2023 including the necessary schedules. I have underpaid for the year. This letter explains why, as a matter of conscience, I am not paying a symbolic portion of my… Continue reading

Bibo Khatib 2024

| Letters

To the IRS and Elected Officials: I am not against paying taxes to the government at all, but I am ethically and morally opposed to the amount of my tax dollars being used for wars and murdering innocent civilians across the globe. • More than 3 million people have been killed during the U.S. wars… Continue reading

Murtaza Nek 2024

| Letters

February 21, 2024 Dear IRS worker, Hi!  I hope all’s well on your end.  My name’s Murtaza Nek, I’m a math and science tutor at Henry Ford College in Dearborn, Michigan.  I usually file my taxes using online e-filing software, but this time felt the need to communicate a message which wasn’t possible using said… Continue reading

David and Janet Hartsough 2024

| Letters

David and Janet Hartsough, 721 Shrader Street,  San Francisco, CA 94117 April 7, 2024   Dear Friends at the IRS, We cannot in conscience pay for the jet fighters and bombs which are killing tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza and bombing their homes, hospitals, schools, refugee camps, churches and mosques. This is a… Continue reading

David & Janet Hartsough 2023

| Letters

April 14, 2023 Dear Friends at the IRS, We are Quakers and cannot in good conscience pay for the killing of other human beings, or pay for war and preparations for war. Human life is too precious to drop bombs on people because we do not like their governments. Developing a new generation of nuclear… Continue reading

James Haber 2022

| Letters

April 15, 2022 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Fresno, CA 93888-0002 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is my completed Form 1040 tax return for the year 2021 including the necessary schedules. I have underpaid for the year. This letter, along with the enclosed War Resisters League “pie chart,” explains why, as a… Continue reading

Randy Kehler Betsy Corner

| Letters

Dear IRS – As in past years, you will find enclosed our federal tax forms which we have filled out as accurately as possible. What you will not find enclosed is any payment. This is because we cannot in good conscience willingly pay for the wars and killing perpetrated by our government, nor for the… Continue reading

Letter to the IRS: Chris Moore-Backman

| Letters

April 15, 2022 To Whom It May Concern at the Internal Revenue Service: Please find my enclosed 1040 form for tax year 2021. I’m including this letter in order to explain why payment for my calculated 2021 tax of $1970.00 is not also enclosed.  Since 2000, I have refused payment of my taxes because US… Continue reading

War Tax Resister Profile: Howard Waitzkin and Mi Ra Lee

| Letters

Statement from Howard Waitzkin to the IRS for Tax Year 2017: I am a Conscientious Objector (CO) to war, based on religious and ethical beliefs, as recognized and certified 36 years ago by the U.S. Selective Service System. My beliefs as a CO have prevented me from participating in military service. However, I have devoted… Continue reading