Gatherings and Events

National Gatherings
International Conferences
Regional and Local Events — Workshops, meetings, conferences
Webinars – WTR 101 and more

National Gatherings and Coordinating Committee Meetings

NWTRCC sponsors two gatherings each year, usually over the first full weekends in November and May. Each national gathering (normally) starts with dinner on Friday and includes a mini-conference format on Friday evening and all day Saturday with panel discussions, action reports and analysis, how-to workshops, and strategy discussions. NWTRCC’s business meeting is held on Sunday morning. The gathering is open to everyone with an interest in war tax resistance. The location shifts regionally in the U.S. depending on invitations from local host groups.

National War Tax Resistance Gathering & Coordinating Committee Meeting

, On Zoom

Join us on Zoom for our spring gathering. The program is still being determined, but the conference will begin with a social hour on Friday evening. There will also be panels and workshops on Saturday morning and afternoon. As usual, we will have our business meeting on Sunday.

(Please register before November 5, 2024.)


Click Here to Register

*** Reports and Photo Links from Previous National Gatherings ***

May 3-5, 2024 Online Conference

Minutes from business meeting • NWTRCC Conference Report by Lincoln Rice

Resisting Together

November  3-5, 2023 Online Conference

Minutes from business meeting • NWTRCC Conference Report by Chrissy Kirchhoefer & Lincoln Rice

Spring 2023 Conference

May 5-7, 2023 • North Manchester, Indiana

Minutes from business meeting“NWTRCC Conference Report” by Lincoln Rice

Defunding Militarism & Creating a New Normal

Regional and Local Events • War Tax Resistance Workshops and More

Watch this space for workshops and events in your area, or if you are planning a workshop or action in your area email the information, and we’ll list it here. If you would like to schedule a workshop or presentation for a group, please use the linked form.

We Won’t Pay: Resistance to War and US Militarism
Lewis University (Romeoville, Illinois) – Wednesday October 23, 2024.

NWTRCC Coordinator Lincoln Rice will be speaking with longtime war tax resister Bill Ruhaak at Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois. For more info:

Always available on YouTube — view yourself or with a group!

War Tax Resistance 101 with Lincoln Rice – February 3, 2023

W-4 Resistance with Lincoln Rice – July 11, 2022

Redirecting Taxes to Black, Brown, and Indigenous Resistance with Sam Koplinka-Loehr (Feb. 25, 2017)

Please be in touch with the NWTRCC office if you are willing to table or hand out some war tax resistance materials at an event near you or a conference that you are attending. We will ship you literature for the table and may be able to help pay the conference fees. Just ask!

International Conferences

17th International Conference of War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns

Organized by Conscience and Peace Tax International, this conference will take place near Lübeck, Germany the weekend of October 4-6, 2024. This conference has been planned to coincide with the UN Human Rights Council session at which they expect to provide testimony in support of conscientious objection to financially supporting the military.  (Both the Council session and the conference were postponed from September 2021).  There will be a possibility before and after the conference to attend the U.N. sessions. The Saturday session will be available on Zoom, but there is a registration fee. For more information, go to

The first International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns was held in Tübingen, Germany, in 1986. Conferences were held every-other-year, most often in Europe with a few exceptions: India in 1998; U.S. in 2000; and Colombia in 2013. While the conferences are organized by the local groups, Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI) was founded at the conference in Hondarribia, Spain, in 1994, to connect the groups working on legislative campaigns and to track legal issues internationally. The CPTI website includes reports from earlier conferences, links to groups, court documents, and more. After the 2013 conference, CPTI moved from Belgium to England, and the reorganization put conference organizing on hold until this year.

A protest in front of the Reichstag - two people hold a banner reading "BAN URANIUM WEAPONS" in front of a scattered group of about 40 people.

Cathy Deppe (right) holds a Ban Uranium Weapons banner in front of the Reichstag, Berlin, Germany, September 2016.

In 2016 representatives from many of the groups that attended the international conferences met at the World Congress on Military and Social Spending in Berlin, Germany, which was sponsored by the International Peace Bureau. NWTRCC’s representative Cathy Deppe participated in the conference and public demonstrations, tabled for NWTRCC, and joined members of Conscience and Peace Tax International for a workshop about military spending and peace tax campaigns.  served as  to the congress. Read her report.

NWTRCC has sent a representative to each meeting, and reports appear in our newsletter, More Than A Paycheck.