“One of the most important spiritual directors in my life has been the Internal Revenue Service”

Kathy Kelly is a long-time peace activist and the co-founder of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, a NWTRCC affiliate. She has been a war tax resister since 1980, and while she hasn’t gone to jail for her war tax refusal, she has been arrested dozens of times for civil disobedience actions. Through her work, she has… Continue reading

In Memoriam: Karen Brandow

| News, Real Life Stories

Ruth recently shared on the wtr-s discussion list: Many of you have met or heard Karen Brandow over the years. She partnered with Charlie King some years back and the two of them toured and sang together for many years. They were mainstays at the School of the Americas Watch vigil weekends. Karen died on… Continue reading

Give Your Taxes to the Solidarity Economy

by David M. Gross In mid-April, people across the United States struggle to fill out their federal income tax returns. This shared calamity has created something of an inverted holiday season — with grumbling about paperwork and frustration towards government bureaucracy replacing the “peace on earth, goodwill to men” of the Yuletide. But at a church in… Continue reading