Images have become an integral part of spreading information online. Often called memes, eye-catching images with some text overlaid can easily spread throughout social media. Memes can introduce a variety of people to activist causes, help people connect to new information, and build a sense of community around a cause. NWTRCC shares memes through our… Continue reading
Things You Can Do
Tangled Up In Banking
I’ve probably said this before, but it is rather funny how often discussions about war tax resistance lead to questions about banking. If you have a tax debt, having assets is, of course, problematic, and holding that money in an account with your social security number makes it vulnerable to seizure. A no-interest account offers… Continue reading
Resisting Taxes to Support Racial Justice in the Midwest
At our gathering in St. Louis a few weeks ago, I talked with people about hosting presentations in their communities. I am currently figuring out my work plan for the next six months. I am planning on traveling to meet you and organize with you! To give you a sense of these trips, I want… Continue reading
Tax Day Resistance, Redirection, and Planning Ahead
Tax day is behind us now — but tax season 2018 will be here before we know it! Northern California War Tax Resistance used their time and energy in the Tax March San Francisco to inform participants (who were mostly calling for Trump to release his taxes) about W-4 resistance and to get them thinking… Continue reading
Tax Day marches, strikes, and resistance
The next five days will be filled with marches, rallies, and strikes against military spending and Trump’s secrecy around his tax returns. April 15 is the Tax March in Washington, DC and around the country, while April 18 is Tax Day. Equally important, many events will mourn lives lost in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and other… Continue reading
What to think about for tax resistance in 2017, 2018, and beyond
Lots of people are looking for the basics of tax resistance — whether against war and violence, the border wall, closing the door on refugees, racism, a mass deportation force, getting Trump to release his tax forms, the Trump agenda in general, having a president that many see as unqualified, or some new executive order… Continue reading
Upcoming Webinars on War Tax Resistance and Redirection
There has been renewed interest in war tax resistance following Trump’s inauguration. Something has clicked in the minds of thousands of people across the country… we don’t want to pay for Trump’s agenda! While many of the reasons people are fed up—extreme militarism, mass incarceration, police brutality, and mass deportations—are part of the foundation of our country,… Continue reading
Be A Public War Tax Resister
Well, there is a lot going on. The phone at the NWTRCC office has been ringing from people who want to start a tax resistance campaign to get that guy in the white house to release his tax forms. There are links to a call for April 15 demonstrations on the same topic. Another one… Continue reading
War Tax Resisters Plan To Protest The Inauguration!
Next weekend, united states president-elect donald trump will be in Washington, DC for the inauguration. There are a number of marches and protests happening in DC as well as around the country on both January 20th (inauguration day) and the 21st. War tax resisters have a unique message to bring to these actions, especially at… Continue reading
Fits and Starts with WTR Organizing
Here in New York City there are a lot of war tax resisters and people who support war tax resistance. It should be a big, active community, but over the years and from experience, we’ve found it exceedingly hard to get people together. There are about 125 people on the email list for NYC resisters…. Continue reading
Mutual aid and war tax resistance
One of the ways war tax resisters support each other is through the War Tax Resisters Penalty Fund (WTRPF). This fund was founded in 1982 by the North Manchester, Indiana chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and later became a separate organization. Its purpose is to provide mutual aid for war tax resisters who have… Continue reading
45 years of alternative fund grants!
(from our June/July 2016 newsletter🙂 “In order that we may offer our fellow citizens an alternative by which their tax monies may be directed to the sustainment of life rather than its destruction, the PEOPLE’S LIFE FUND is established.” Thus read the announcement of the founding of the New York City alternative fund in the… Continue reading