Building connections at a San Diego teach-in

by Anne Barron (Introductory editorial note: On February 15, Activist San Diego hosted a teach-in about war tax resistance, organized by Anne Barron, a war tax resistance counselor and NWTRCC network activist. The promotional materials said: “Communities around the world are resisting American militarism. Join us in a discussion of how each one of us… Continue reading

Flashes from the Past

In going through some old files recently a few tidbits of historical, inspirational, and/or organizing interest surfaced: In the midst of an election year (it feels more like years) a flyer from the early 1970s is a refreshing change from everything we are hearing from the current crop of candidates. Elizabeth Taylor (no, not that… Continue reading

Honoring Peg Morton

| News, Real Life Stories
Peg Morton stands in front of a camera talking at a Eugene Tax Day rally in 2015. A sign reading "WAR IS A racket" is held up behind her to the left.

The NWTRCC network lost one of its stalwart activists and friends on Saturday. Peg Morton of Eugene passed away peacefully at her friend’s home after deciding to end her life through intentional fasting. (You can read this article about her life in Eugene in the Register-Guard’s obituaries section.) I actually first met Peg in 2008… Continue reading

Driving Ms. Frances

| Federal Income Tax, Real Life Stories

By Ralph Dolan I runs this high-end chauffeur service, see, and gets this call. Lady on the other end of the line wants a ride across the border into Vermont. Can’t get much of an idea what kind of meeting she could possibly be attending up there in the back woods. I pick her up… Continue reading

Another Look: The Film “Death and Taxes”

| Real Life Stories

Even 5 years after its initial release, Death & Taxes is still relevant to anyone trying to become more involved in the peace movement. The film is a wonderful, light-hearted telling of the lives many war tax resisters have lived and how it doesn’t take much more than a belief to start protesting for peace…. Continue reading

Longest Jail Time for a War Tax Resister

| History, IRS, Real Life Stories

People unfamiliar with war tax resistance assume that if you do it, you go straight to jail, or at least wind up there eventually. “Why aren’t you in jail?” Years ago when I was in the ready-room before appearing on a TV interview program, the host asked me “Why aren’t you in jail?” Similarly, a… Continue reading