Investing in People: Our LA Gathering

Ruth Benn and Lincoln Rice laughing during May 5, 2018 coordinator transition discussion.

We had a delightful NWTRCC gathering in sunny Los Angeles this past weekend. I want to start with a HUGE thank you to the local organizing team, including Cathy Deppe, Alex Walker, and Anne Barron from Southern California War Tax Resistance and Alternative Fund (sorry if I missed other names). The gathering was co-sponsored by Veterans… Continue reading

Spread the Word This Tax Day!

| News, NWTRCC News, Things You Can Do

Hi everyone, Tax Day is coming up fast. NWTRCC’s team of consultants is working to spread the word about war tax resistance as much as possible, and you can help! Attend a local tax day event! Share our press release with your local media or favorite website. Got pictures/reportbacks from a tax season event, or… Continue reading

New Resources for Divestment

| NWTRCC News, Redirection

NWTRCC has launched a brand new website for our Divest from War, Invest in People campaign! Visit us at Refusing to pay war taxes is divesting from state violence, fossil fuels, and military prisons. Unlike other forms of divestment, war tax refusal often involves civil disobedience. Personally divesting from militarism enables immediate reinvestment in… Continue reading

Keep resistance alive in 2018

| Federal Income Tax, National, NWTRCC News
"I know first hand how hard NWTRCC's coordinators work to spread the word about war tax resistance and to create and provide resources. All this work requires money to continue." - Peter Smith and Ellyn Stecker

Just a brief post this week! Please support the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee with a generous donation by December 31! We want to keep going strong in 2018, able to address new events and concerns in the struggle against war – but also keep up our solid work in providing community and support for… Continue reading

You should read our newsletter


Before there was a National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) blog, there was the newsletter. It’s taken a few different forms over the years – it started as the print-only Network News. Eventually we started putting it online too. Now a pretty large portion of readers get it online only as More Than a… Continue reading

Highlights: War tax resisters in St. Louis

Matthew Hoh answers questions after his talk at the St. Louis Gathering. Photo by Ruth Benn.

Last weekend, the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee met in St. Louis, Missouri. It was a great time! First of all: so many thanks to our host, Chrissy Kirchhoeffer with the Dick Gregory Catholic Worker (pictured below next to David from WeCopwatch), who did the bulk of the organizing for our conference in St…. Continue reading