Tax Day

NWTRCC promotes tax day actions every year, collecting a list of actions around the US and sending out a press release widely in early April and posting reports on our website and on our Facebook page. Look under our Media link above for “articles” and “podcasts” for recent news items.

Tax Day is April 15, 2024

Post this picture online for Tax Day

Or take a picture of yourself with a sign! Photo by Ed Hedemann.

Post Your Action: Use the form below, or email the details, or send in this form (PDF), and we’ll announce actions, workshops, film showings, etc.,  between now and tax day on our website and in a national press release.

Need ideas for planning an action? Action ideas

Pondering war tax resistance? Quick Steps for Tax Day 2024

We are asking folks to take a picture or video of themselves with their Tax Day signs and to post these images on social media. When posting a picture or graphic, please let folks know they can find out more info about WTR at and also write in, “#WarTaxResistance #NWTRCC.” Writing these “hashtags” with your message will mean that anyone can find your post on Facebook or Twitter by searching “#WarTaxResistance” or “#NWTRCC.”

The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act authorizes $886 billion in total defense spending, and the drums of war are beating loudly across the world. Whether your local group is able to organize an April 15 Tax Day event on the streets or not, NWTRCC is asking war tax resisters to make their presence felt online.

Tax Day Report 2024

Tax Day Actions 2024

Tax day Press Release 2024

Previous Years:

Tax Day Report 2023

Tax Day Actions 2023

Tax day Press Release 2023

Tax Day Actions 2022

Tax Day Report 2022

Tax day Press Release 2022

Tax Day Reports with Photos 2021

Tax Day 2021 Press Release

Extended Tax Day 2020 New York April 15

2020 Tax Day Reports and Photos

Tax Day July 2020 Press Release

Tax Day April 2020 Press Release



Penny Poll - Colorado Springs

Penny Poll in Colorado Springs.


2019 Tax Day Reports and Photos

Tax Day Press Release – “Tax Day Protests Demand End to War and Military Spending – War Tax Resisters Redirect Tax Dollars from the Pentagon to People”



Let us know the details of your local Tax Day action! (If you would like to share your war tax redirection so that we can provide an aggregate report after Tax Day, click here!)

Tax Day Event Listing


Let us know what you are doing — any time of year — and we’ll post your war tax resistance actions and events on our website.