Colrain after 25 Years: Learning from an action

A summary of a great weekend at the New England Gathering of War Tax Resisters Woolman Hill, Deerfield, Massachusetts, November 16-18, 2018 Between 1989 and 1993, hundreds of people flocked to Colrain, Mass., to voice their opposition to war and military spending by supporting the war tax resistance (WTR) of Betsy Corner and Randy Kehler when… Continue reading

The president, his taxes and the resistance

| IRS, National, News

“The I.R.S. Should Go After Trump” was a headline on an op-ed piece in the New York Times  that jumped out at me the other day. In part I’m always interested in articles about the IRS, and it did impart some good information on their practices. It also reminded me of all the brouhaha around… Continue reading

New Collection Challenges

| Federal Income Tax, IRS, News

For years war tax resisters (or potential resisters) have worried about travel abroad. Will my tax debt show up in a passport check when leaving or returning to the U.S.? Despite reassurances that many of us travel abroad and this has not been an issue, the fear lingered in the minds of many. Unfortunately, on… Continue reading

Another Look: The Film “Death and Taxes”

| Real Life Stories

Even 5 years after its initial release, Death & Taxes is still relevant to anyone trying to become more involved in the peace movement. The film is a wonderful, light-hearted telling of the lives many war tax resisters have lived and how it doesn’t take much more than a belief to start protesting for peace…. Continue reading

Stephen Leeds

| Letters

April 15, 2015 To: Senator Barbara Boxer Senator Diane Feinstein Rep. Nancy Pelosi Internal Revenue Service Center, San Francisco (with Form 1040) Commissioners of the Internal Revenue Service President Barack Obama Clerk, San Francisco Friends Meeting, Religious Society of Friends People’s Life Fund This letter concerns my IRS Form 1040 for calendar year 2014. I’m sending a… Continue reading