Building connections at a San Diego teach-in

by Anne Barron (Introductory editorial note: On February 15, Activist San Diego hosted a teach-in about war tax resistance, organized by Anne Barron, a war tax resistance counselor and NWTRCC network activist. The promotional materials said: “Communities around the world are resisting American militarism. Join us in a discussion of how each one of us… Continue reading

Dear Rick Steves – Could You Be a War Tax Resister?

I recently finished reading travel writer/TV show host Rick Steves‘ book Travel as a Political Act. Rick describes himself as an interesting blend of political perspectives: capitalist, Christian, proud American, supporter of marijuana legalization, and… a pacifist! In addition to his specialty helping US residents learn the ins and outs of traveling in Europe, he… Continue reading

After Roseburg: On guns big and bigger

| Personal motivations

To the Editor: There has been another mass murder shooting in Roseburg, Oregon. A question stares us in the face. Can we expect to endorse mass homicide on the wholesale level and successfully forbid or prevent it on the retail level? As a thought experiment or moral reflection consider this. Since World War II our… Continue reading

Frances Crowe: Finding Her Radical Soul

A couple of weeks ago, as we were eating lunch on the porch of Casa Maria Catholic Worker, Ruth talked about meeting her mentor in activism, Frances Crowe, in Western Massachusetts. When Frances saw Ruth wearing an anti-nuclear T-shirt, Frances, ever the organizer, came up and introduced herself immediately. Frances was a long-time staff member for… Continue reading

“I just can’t pay for murdering other people” – Post-Tax Day News Roundup

Despite the media focus on the Fight for 15 minimum wage protests around the country on April 15, it seemed to me to be a good media day for war tax resistance too. New resisters announced their commitment, while long-time resisters continued to speak up in opposition to military spending, in support of redirecting tax… Continue reading

New Video: Letters from War Tax Resisters

| IRS, Personal motivations

Hear three letters from war tax resisters to the IRS, family members, and the local newspaper. [closed captioning available] This year, as for many decades before, thousands of people around the country are refusing to pay some or all of their federal income taxes as a protest and/or an act of conscientious objection against the… Continue reading