The latest travel ban expands US wars

| International, National, News
on left: "Wars create refugees. Our taxes fund the wars. National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee -" on right: photo of truck driving toward refugee camp with many white tents.

The Trump administration released a new travel ban on Sunday, September 24, 2017. This new travel ban includes majority-Muslim countries covered under previous travel bans (Somalia, Iran, Syria, and Yemen), but also includes provisions preventing certain kinds of travel to the US from Libya, Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela. People are worried that this expansion… Continue reading

On Facelifts and Strategizing

| International, National, News

I started to write about something else until I ran into the new website for the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund (NCPTF). It looks great! Maybe this facelift will give new life to the decades old legislative campaign to allow conscientious objectors to war redirect their federal income taxes to a special fund… Continue reading

Join the NWTRCC network at the Iraq Tribunal

| International, National, News
The People's Tribunal on the Iraq War - December 1-2, 2016 - Washington DC - After 15 years of costly war based on lies, it's time for truth and accountability [with picture of a woman holding scales superimposed over the silhouette of Iraq's borders]

The People’s Tribunal on the Iraq War is taking place tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, December 1 and 2. Tune in 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM Eastern time, December 1 and 2, through the Iraq Tribunal page , or watch directly on TheRealNews. Participate in the conversation via the Facebook page and on Twitter by following… Continue reading

Something there is that doesn’t love a wall…

| International, NWTRCC News
A protest in front of the Reichstag - two people hold a banner reading "BAN URANIUM WEAPONS" in front of a scattered group of about 40 people.

by Cathy Deppe “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall” – is a favorite Robert Frost line I mused over on my first trip to Berlin for the International Peace Bureau (IPB) World Peace Conference.   Germany was readying for Unity Day October 3 – a national holiday celebrating the day “the wall” came down… Continue reading

Reaching across the border

| International, National, NWTRCC News
white sign with skull and crossbones and barbed wire, saying in black and red text: "BORDER MILITARIZATION KILLS"

I’m happy to report that our outreach at the SOAW border convergence at ambos Nogales (both Nogales, on the US and Mexico sides) went very well! NWTRCC network members, including myself, Anne Barron, Rachel Soltis, and Coleman Smith, were present at each activity throughout the weekend, including the vigil at the Eloy Detention Center (where undocumented… Continue reading