Christmas Truce Redux

There has been a recent push advocating for a truce in the war between Ukraine and Russia. Advocates are asking for a cessation of violence from December 25 through  January 7. NWTRCC has blogged about the history of the Truce in World War I as well as other holiday traditions that celebrate peace at this… Continue reading

Report on the 16th International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns

| International, Militarism, News

The 16th International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns Geneva Switzerland  September 17, 2022 Participants:  Switzerland, UK,  Germany, Italy, Colombia, Belgium, USA,  attendance both in person and online. NWTRCC participants Ruth Benn, Cathy Deppe, Eleanor Forman, William Ruhaak.   Major Organizing for Conference:  CPTI–Conscience and Peace Tax International Board of Directors, with… Continue reading

Support War Resisters

Russia Peace billboard

Every year on May 15, International Conscientious Objection Day, War Resisters’ International (WRI) organizes solidarity with conscientious objectors (COs) and draws attention to their resistance to war. This year, with the ongoing war in Ukraine, they turned their focus on the resistance of conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and published statements from the… Continue reading

Pentagon Spending: Efficient at Destroying but Inoperable for Healing Our World

The revolving doors of the Pentagon opened up this week to the 8 largest U.S. weapons manufacturers and the war strategists to come to the table. They were making plans  for a war in Ukraine that may continue for years. It was as if a dream that had been brewing for years appeared to be… Continue reading

Unpacking Pandora’s Box: The Tax Gift That Keeps On Giving

Recently there was a conversation about death and taxes on the radio. The conversation was in light of the recently released Pandora Papers, which exposed the hidden finances of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people. In October, the International Consortium of Investigative Reporters (ICIJ) released over 12 million troves of documents revealing how heads… Continue reading