Moral Compromise

| Environment, Militarism, NWTRCC News
Red banner on top and bottom of square with words 'no taxes for genocide' at top and 'war tax resistance' at bottom. In the middle a QR code and on both sides an image of a bomb with a red circle with a line through it

Post by Joshua Wrolstad [Editor’s Note: NWTRCC is a big tent organization that is composed of people with various political beliefs. We welcome blog post submissions on war tax resistance from many points of view. The publication of personal opinions expressed in these posts should not be construed as an endorsement by NWTRCC, which makes… Continue reading

Mark Your Calendars

| NWTRCC News, Things You Can Do

As we enter into the new year, NWTRCC has been lining up events in coming weeks that also include ongoing monthly gatherings. There will be an introduction to war tax resistance (WTR 101) on Thursday January 16th at 8:30 pm Eastern/ 5:30 pm Pacific. You can register for the workshop here. We are starting to… Continue reading

Support NWTRCC!

| NWTRCC News, Things You Can Do
Paul and Kima holding a sign that states, "Stop Arming Israel."

Friends, As I write this, the fate of the 2024 presidential election is still unknown. Unfortunately, one thing we can always count on, whether it’s a Democrat or Republican in office, is that the US will continue to spend about half of our federal taxes on war and military! In fact, the US spends over… Continue reading

War Tax Resistance Gathering on Zoom – November 8-10, 2024

NWTRCC’s November 2024 conference will be on Zoom the weekend after the election. (Click here register.) We often meet the first weekend in November, but we know that many of our members will be canvassing and doing other pre-election activities. Friday Night Social Mary Sprunger-Froese of Colorado Springs will gather us together with three songs… Continue reading

Tax Day 2024- Here we Come!

| NWTRCC News, Redirection, Things You Can Do

  Tax Day is soon approaching! We would love to know about your plans for tax day. NWTRCC is hosting an introduction to war tax resistance (WTR 101) session on Saturday March 2nd starting at 1pm Eastern time. Already there are 400 people registered. It is one of the largest registrations that we have had… Continue reading

A growing chorus

Divest from the Pentagon, Invest in People - Redirect your taxes from war to peace! National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee - - (800) 269-7464

NWTRCC will be hosting another introduction to war tax resistance (WTR 101) on Thursday December 7th at 2pm Eastern time and 11am Pacific time on Zoom. You can find out how to register in the section under WTR 101 as well as previous sessions. Other videos can be found on NWTRCC’s YouTube channel, especially the… Continue reading