As we enter into the new year, NWTRCC has been lining up events in coming weeks that also include ongoing monthly gatherings. There will be an introduction to war tax resistance (WTR 101) on Thursday January 16th at 8:30 pm Eastern/ 5:30 pm Pacific. You can register for the workshop here. We are starting to line up other WTR 101s in February and will announce the details as they are solidified. If you are interested in organizing one in your community we would love to support that effort by sharing resources to utilize or join you over zoom. Contact NWTRCC for more information.
NWTRCC has also begun hosting a monthly Social Hour to gather people in the network over zoom. Our next gathering will be Sunday January 19th at 6 pm Eastern/ 3 pm Pacific. You can find the registration here. There has also been an ongoing monthly Tax Resistance Affinity Group that has been organized with Pace e Bene. The next gathering will be Saturday January 18th at 12 pm Eastern/ 9 am Pacific. For more information you can find a link here.
On February 1st, NWTRCC will be hosting a Counselor’s Training. The five hour session will go in depth about approaches to resisting taxes for war. The training will prepare those wanting to assist others interested in WTR by addressing common questions and sharing the most up to date information and changes with the IRS codes. NWTRCC has also been working with the Conscience and Peace Tax International to put together a program on February 15th. More information about these event will be forthcoming as well as other WTR 101s in coming weeks.
Often we get inquiries if the sessions that NWTRCC hosts will be recorded by people who are interested in learning more but can not attend at the scheduled time. In order for the participants to freely share and ask questions we do not record the sessions but we do have recordings on NWTRCC’s YouTube channel. A video of a 101 session can be found here. A step by step video describing how to fill out a W-4 can be found here. There are numerous resources on NWTRCC’s website to share with others including the practical series that addresses different issues that come up around refusing to pay for war.

Image from Pixabay
With changes in the air, it is all the more grounding to be connected and have ways of connecting with others who are striving to embody their deepest desires for a better world. Grateful for all of the work that you do!
Post by Chrissy Kirchhoefer