Test Page

What is a war tax resistance counselor?

One of the ways NWTRCC supports war tax resisters is by providing a list of war tax resistance (WTR) counselors across the country who you can contact. The role of this counselor is a bit different from, but in some ways the same as, other types of counselors, such as school counselors or advisers, or… Continue reading

Days of War Tax Action 2016 Press Release

Days of War Tax Action 2016 PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: January 15, 2016 Contact: Ruth Benn, Coordinator National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) PO Box 150553, Brooklyn, NY11215 • 800-269-7464 From Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday to Tax Day A Call to Invest in People, Divest From the Pentagon “A nation that continues… Continue reading

Thomas Haws

19 Oct 2015 Dear IRS Employee, As a conscientious objector to war, I will not pay my 2014 1040X income tax. I believe war killing is wrong and therefore I cannot pay for it. There are other ways for nations to resolve their conflicts with one another besides through war killing. The U.S. government spends… Continue reading

Collection Is Not a Resistance Failure

I was wondering what war tax resisters were thinking about in 1996, which is as far back as our archived newsletter archives go. (Answer: pretty much the same things in different contexts!) I came across a piece on the effectiveness of war tax resistance from Sallie Marx and Robert Hieger of New York City War… Continue reading

Martin Sheen backs this war-tax-resisting group

Catholic Worker logo in a woodcut black-and-white art style. Showing a cross behind Jesus in the center, with a light-skinned woman on the left holding a basket and carrying a baby on her back, and a dark-skinned man on the right holding a pickaxe.

Since I joined the war tax resistance movement, I’ve had many opportunities to get to know friends in the Catholic Worker houses around the country, including in New York City, Milwaukee, and Las Vegas. Catholic Worker houses offer a place to sleep, meals, and/or support for those in need, which may include homeless, poor, mentally… Continue reading

Video: Complicity and Collection – Religious Freedom and Tax

At our November 2015 conference in Las Vegas, University of Nevada – Las Vegas law professor Jennifer Carr spoke to us about her research paper, “Complicity and Collection: Religious Freedom and Tax.” Our audio recording of her talk and the ensuing discussion is now available online, synced up with slides from her PowerPoint. This is… Continue reading

Honoring Peg Morton

Peg Morton stands in front of a camera talking at a Eugene Tax Day rally in 2015. A sign reading "WAR IS A racket" is held up behind her to the left.

The NWTRCC network lost one of its stalwart activists and friends on Saturday. Peg Morton of Eugene passed away peacefully at her friend’s home after deciding to end her life through intentional fasting. (You can read this article about her life in Eugene in the Register-Guard’s obituaries section.) I actually first met Peg in 2008… Continue reading

Dive$t from the Pentagon

drawing of melting snowman wearing a black hat that says "Melty" and a blue scarf with "Border Free" printed on it. Text: DIVE$T from the PENTAGON over a simple yellow sun.

by Jason Rawn People are talking more and more about abolishing war and redirecting the mis-invested wealth into renewable energy, healthcare, bioremediation, public transit, etc. We need vast resources to address (embrace?) this climate-change-framed historical moment. As it happens, vast financial wealth has been and is currently being created by short-sighted, omnicidal industries. Perhaps this… Continue reading

New Collection Challenges

For years war tax resisters (or potential resisters) have worried about travel abroad. Will my tax debt show up in a passport check when leaving or returning to the U.S.? Despite reassurances that many of us travel abroad and this has not been an issue, the fear lingered in the minds of many. Unfortunately, on… Continue reading

Partnership in a Community Property State

By Matt Niznik; Oakland, California Editor’s note: This is one essay in the newest booklet in our “Practical War Tax Resistance” series. “Relationships and War Tax Resistance” is #8 in the series and is due to be published by January 6, 2016. Copies will be $1.50 each or contact the office for bulk orders. The… Continue reading

New Website!

In the next few days, NWTRCC will be rolling out our newest website design, a responsive design that can be easily read on devices big and small. We’ve also revamped and updated the site structure and text. We’re so glad to be able to share the results with you soon. Thanks to MuseArts, our consultants,… Continue reading

Choosing Solidarity Over Comfort – Ruby Phillips

By Ruby Phillips Time passes quickly, and it’s now been 30 years that I’ve refused to pay for U.S. military wars. I began to resist after a local war tax resistance volunteer attended a meeting at my workplace and introduced us to the practice and underlying philosophy of war tax resistance (WTR). Prior to his… Continue reading