Do you: Write to the IRS about war tax resistance? Send letters to your congressperson? Enclose a letter when you redirect resisted war taxes, explaining where the money comes from? Write to any other entities or people about war tax resistance near Tax Day? Want to start writing letters about war tax resistance now? I’m… Continue reading
Personal motivations
David Zarembka on US Militarization of East Africa
Listen to an audio recording (opens a new tab) of a workshop presented by David Zarembka, Coordinator of the African Great Lakes Initiative of the Friends Peace Teams in East Africa. David spoke at the war tax resistance gathering at Earlham College School of Religion, November 8, 2014. While you are listening to his talk,… Continue reading
Giving Tuesday, Online Media, and Ferguson
A few miscellaneous items as we head into Thanksgiving weekend: 1. NWTRCC is participating in Giving Tuesday, which is next Tuesday, December 2. On that day, we’re asking supporters of war tax resistance to give $10.40 or more for NWTRCC’s work. 2. If you missed our conference in Richmond at the beginning of this month,… Continue reading
It Is Our Duty to Withhold Our Cooperation
The following is the text of the speech given by Clare Hanrahan of the Taxes for Life! group in Asheville, NC, at the Day Without a Pentagon action in Washington, DC on October 19, 1998. Reprinted from the December 1998 More Than a Paycheck newsletter. Greetings from the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee and… Continue reading
Supporting Each Other
by Peg Morton, Eugene, Oregon It is a joy to discover that someone I have admired for a long time is a war tax resister. This came to my attention through a mailing from the War Tax Resisters Penalty Fund, which is also supported by the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee. Through the Fund, we… Continue reading
Marching Into the Future
I was in the Cascade Mountains in Washington state in August. How lucky to be able to take a hike in the wilderness and leave behind the rush of daily life in New York City and the news of endless war and crisis after crisis somewhere in the world. And yet when I asked a… Continue reading
Give Your Taxes to the Solidarity Economy
by David M. Gross In mid-April, people across the United States struggle to fill out their federal income tax returns. This shared calamity has created something of an inverted holiday season — with grumbling about paperwork and frustration towards government bureaucracy replacing the “peace on earth, goodwill to men” of the Yuletide. But at a church in… Continue reading
An Ethic for the 21st Century
by Robert Randall, with feedback from many folks Let us all agree on this one simple thing: It is not OK to kill people. It is not OK to kill people because you don’t like them. It is not OK to kill people because they don’t like you. It is not OK to kill… Continue reading
A Different Movement to Reduce Unnecessary Suffering: Animal Rights
As a war tax resister, I orient myself toward removing my participation from just one part of the war machine. It’s truer than I like to think about that I can’t completely keep from interacting in an economy that gets so much of its power and causes so much of its exploitation and death through… Continue reading
A Sense of Freedom
Marion Bromley (1913-1996) was working for the Fellowship of Reconciliation in the 1940s when she met Ernest Bromley, who was circulating a statement about refusing to pay for war. She and Ernest married not too long after that and made their way to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they lived the rest of their lives. They are… Continue reading
War Resistance Beyond the Rally
We’re holding our second Google Hangout on June 4 at 9 AM Pacific, noon Eastern. Hear from panelists from the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee and two of its affiliates, the Center on Conscience and War and the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, about their approaches to war resistance that go beyond… Continue reading
Economic Disobedience and War Tax Resistance: Reportback from Eugene Event
I was invited down to Eugene, OR to speak about war tax resistance and economic disobedience at a panel last night, hosted by Eugene’s First Methodist Church and organized by Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC), Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network (ESSN)/Jobs with Justice, Taxes for Peace Not War, and Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND). What… Continue reading