[Editor’s Note: The following remarks were made by Peter Goldberger at a National Lawyers Guild war tax resistance workshop over Zoom on April 4, 2024. Goldberger addresses three subjects: the legality and ethics of counseling illegal activity; the particular risks faced by legal professionals contemplating participating personally in tax resistance; and the argument by certain… Continue reading
Federal Income Tax
The Cost of War Games
There are ample reasons for resisting taxes for war. The insanity of nuclear weapons inspired many when NWTRCC was established in 1982. While there were many other reasons people were resisting paying for wars; it was a welcome opportunity to discuss matters of importance, where we place our priorities, attention and resources. Join NWTRCC for… Continue reading
Temporary Relief
When single-sheet zines cease slinking from the printer, I stop biting my nails. With a little shuffle of feet and paper, I begin to fold and cut pages at my desk. Completing little 8-page booklets brings a small satisfaction on an otherwise unremarkable workday. A coworker I trust stops to chat as he does every… Continue reading
War Tax Resistance Gathering on Zoom – November 8-10, 2024
NWTRCC’s November 2024 conference will be on Zoom the weekend after the election. (Click here register.) We often meet the first weekend in November, but we know that many of our members will be canvassing and doing other pre-election activities. Friday Night Social Mary Sprunger-Froese of Colorado Springs will gather us together with three songs… Continue reading
Dear IRS- Hear US
Dear IRS- Hear US! September 11th, 2024 | Federal Income Tax, IRS, Letters, Things You Can Do This past Tax Day, Tom Joyce in Ithaca, NY joined others to raise awareness about how much of US taxpayer money goes towards military spending that can result in moral injury. May this ongoing and consistent action inspire! Statement of War Tax Resistance – Tom Joyce… Continue reading
Dear IRS- Hear US!
This past Tax Day, Tom Joyce in Ithaca, NY joined others to raise awareness about how much of US taxpayer money goes towards military spending that can result in moral injury. May this ongoing and consistent action inspire! Statement of War Tax Resistance – Tom Joyce April 15, 2024 Since coming to this commitment as… Continue reading
Dear IRS, I object to paying someone to kill in my name…
Dear IRS Friends, I was not born or raised this way. But when I received a death threat, in 1968, and was planning a gunfight, a prophet/angel appeared in a dream, taking me to talk with the man who wanted to kill me. I know now that Jesus’ “love your enemy” actually works better than… Continue reading
Obedience, Protest, and Facing the Consequences
The first obligation of responsible citizenship, I believe, is obedience to one’s conscience. Obedience to one’s government, and to its laws, is very important, but it must come second. Otherwise there is no check on immoral actions by governments, which are bound to occur in any society, whenever power is abused. — Randy Kehler The… Continue reading
War Tax Resistance: A Catholic Worker Tradition
[Editor’s Note: A longer version of this article was first published the April 2024 edition of the Agitator, the newspaper of the Los Angeles Catholic Worker.] “‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me’ with napalm, nerve gas, our hydrogen bomb… Should one pay… Continue reading
Living Simply in a New Way: An Interview with Robin Greenfield
[Editor’s Note: Robin Greenfield has been challenging people to think about their environmental impacts, their relationship to other animals and plants, and their enmeshment in economic systems for over a decade. Through YouTube videos, TV appearances, books, articles, public speaking, and other cultural work, he shares personal challenges he sets for himself and how he… Continue reading
My Letter to the IRS
Hi! I hope all’s well on your end. My name’s Murtaza Nek, I’m a math and science tutor at Henry Ford College in Dearborn, Michigan. I usually file my taxes using online e-filing software, but this time felt the need to communicate a message which wasn’t possible using said software. I’ve thus put in much… Continue reading
Beyond the Headlines: Finding Hope by Shaping What Comes Next Together
NWTRCC will be hosting a Counselor’s Training on Saturday February 17th. The five hour on-line training is open to anyone who has attended an Introduction to war tax resistance session (WTR 101) and would like to have up to date knowledge for themselves and others. If interested in joining please email nwtrcc@nwtrcc.org to register. In… Continue reading