Susan Lannen

| Letters

April 15, 2015 Dear Friends at the IRS, I will not be paying the amount that my tax returns state that I “owe” for 2014, because over 50% of the money collected would go toward military spending. As a conscientious objector to all war I just cannot do it. I know it doesn’t make sense… Continue reading

Sam Koplinka-Loehr

| Letters

Since I was born in 1991, the U.S. Government has been in a non-stop state of war, and has spent trillions of dollars on killing people overseas. As a young person growing up in the United States, I saw our schools faltering. I saw income inequality growing. I saw communities struggling. And yet, the government… Continue reading

Elizabeth Boardman

| Letters

To my federal legislators and my local paper Re War tax resistance Dear Friends, Today I have filed my IRS 1040. I have not included a check for the amount I still owe for 2014, about half of my total income tax bill. I am a member of the long-established Religious Society of Friends (Quakers),… Continue reading

Jason Mizula

| Letters

The following is the letter I mailed to the IRS a few days before tax day about my reasons for not paying federal income tax. This is the first year since leaving the military that I have had taxable income, otherwise I would have done this sooner. Working under-the-table is a much simpler form of protest, and… Continue reading

Kevin Martonick (2015)

| Letters

Dear IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, On this tax day I am thinking a lot about how about half of our taxes goes toward military spending. Actually, it is something on my mind quite often throughout the year. In the same way a conscientious objector refuses to fight in a war and our country provides a… Continue reading

David and Jan Hartsough (2015)

| Letters

Dear Friends at the IRS, We cannot in conscience pay for the killing of other human beings or pay for war and preparations for war. Human life is too precious to drop bombs on people because we do not like their governments. Developing a new generation of nuclear weapons which could put an end to… Continue reading

Don Schrader

| Letters

Written as a letter to the editor of the Daily Lobo Dear Editor, When would it be right for an enemy nation to murder your family? If never, how can it be right for the United States to murder the families of people in our enemy nations? Would I, as an openly gay man, fight to… Continue reading

Douglas Mackenzie

| Letters

April 15, 2014 Department of the Treasury IRS Fresno, CA 93888-0002 IRS employee: I’ve enclosed a form 1040 etc. for 2013. I’ve included this letter to convey my objection to the uses to which collected taxes are put, most notably, the commission of the many crimes and atrocities by the United States government and its… Continue reading

Margaret Katranides

| Letters

Dear People: You state that I have unpaid taxes for 2013 in the amount of $253.12.  As I have explained many times before, I do not pay taxes to support war or preparation for war.  The amount you cite is the portion of my calculated taxes which I redirected to peaceful enterprises. I am a… Continue reading

David and Jan Hartsough (2014)

| Letters

Dear Friends, Following is our letter to the IRS refusing to pay for killing other people, for wars and preparation for wars. Instead, we have made a check to the Department of Health and Human Services for 53% of our taxes owed and have contributed the remaining 47% to programs meeting human and environmental needs.. We hope… Continue reading

Heidi Tremaine

| Letters

April 15, 2003 Internal Revenue Service Andover, MA 05501-0002 Dear Internal Revenue Service Person: Instead of sending my taxes this year I enclose this letter explaining why I cannot in good conscience pay the tax money that is demanded of me by the United States government, approximately 650$ for the year 2002 from my work… Continue reading

Kevin Martonick (2013)

| Letters

Tax Day 2013 To Whom It May Concern, Hello. This is my third year being a war tax resister. Each year I have written a letter to my representatives and the commissioner of the IRS as to what my intentions are, why I’m resisting and what I do with the money instead. I just wanted to send… Continue reading