The Bottom Line

Since World War II, the percentage of Federal funds from income taxes that goes to the military in the United States has varied from about 45% to 90%. While spending on the pandemic has skewed the numbers to the lower end, the average taxpayer paid around $2,200 to the military in 2022. While it is… Continue reading

Divesting from the US Military: “War Tax Resisters” Protest with Their Money

The Blog this week is an Opinion published by In Depth News and written by Lincoln Rice MILWAUKEE, USA, 17 April 2023 (IDN) — Since the beginning of 2022, the US has dedicated over $30 billion of military aid for war in Ukraine. Most of these funds will be used by the Department of Defense to… Continue reading

Report on the 16th International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns

| International, Militarism, News

The 16th International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns Geneva Switzerland  September 17, 2022 Participants:  Switzerland, UK,  Germany, Italy, Colombia, Belgium, USA,  attendance both in person and online. NWTRCC participants Ruth Benn, Cathy Deppe, Eleanor Forman, William Ruhaak.   Major Organizing for Conference:  CPTI–Conscience and Peace Tax International Board of Directors, with… Continue reading

Support War Resisters

Russia Peace billboard

Every year on May 15, International Conscientious Objection Day, War Resisters’ International (WRI) organizes solidarity with conscientious objectors (COs) and draws attention to their resistance to war. This year, with the ongoing war in Ukraine, they turned their focus on the resistance of conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and published statements from the… Continue reading

Finding Peace in A Constant State of Uncertainty?

sunlight at top left corner, a path in the woods amongst leaves with tall narrow trunks of trees

Uncertainty. Unknowns. Confusion. These aren’t my favorite feelings or states of being. After talking and interacting for nearly four decades with other humans, I feel confident saying a lot of people share my dislike for those feelings. In my experience practicing war tax resistance by filing taxes and refusing to pay or being a non-filer… Continue reading