May 2019 CC Meeting

National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee Meeting
May 5, 2019 • Washington DC

Weekend ScheduleLogistics

Virtual option (by phone or computer) for those who are interested but cannot come to DC. See this page for the virtual meeting details.

Minutes from the previous meeting(s) and other business-y things can always be found on this page –

Agenda Items and Materials

Consultant Reports


AdComm Nominees – posted here

Sue Barnhart and Jerry Maynard

Finance Report & Fundraising – report and PDF link here

Review Objectives – Items to follow up on – 2019 Objectives here


   Rep for Conscience & Peace Tax International Conference in Scotland – Proposal

   Affiliate Support Fund Application (Christian Peacemaker Teams) – CPT Application

Gathering Location

November 2019, May 2020 – Invitations Welcome!
Corvalis, Oregon has graciously extended an invitation.