An Ethic for the 21st Century

| Personal motivations

by Robert Randall, with feedback from many folks   Let us all agree on this one simple thing: It is not OK to kill people. It is not OK to kill people because you don’t like them. It is not OK to kill people because they don’t like you. It is not OK to kill… Continue reading

Ferguson, Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine…

| News

It has been an exhausting few weeks in world events. Every day I look at Twitter and Facebook and there is always something new and discouraging. From the astonishingly violent Israeli attacks on Gaza to the police violence in Ferguson, from the secessionist fighting in Ukraine to the advance of ISIS in Iraq, I’m more… Continue reading

Flashback 2009: Gaza and War Tax Resistance

| History, News

Note: This piece by NWTRCC coordinator Ruth Benn was originally published in the February/March 2009 edition of NWTRCC’s newsletter, More Than a Paycheck. We still operate the War Tax Boycott site and you can still sign on to the boycott. The flyer, using an older image by artist Doug Minkler, developed for Northern California War… Continue reading

Henry David Thoreau: A War Tax Resistance Inspiration

| History

By July 1846, the naturalist, slavery abolitionist, and writer Henry David Thoreau had been resisting the payment of poll taxes that helped fund the Mexican-American War for six years. He was arrested for refusing to pay and spent a night in jail. Though someone, likely his aunt, paid his back taxes and got him out… Continue reading

Facing an IRS Levy with Fun and Fearlessness

| Federal Income Tax, IRS

(The following piece was originally published in NWTRCC’s More Than a Paycheck bimonthly newsletter in June 2002. For more information on how to deal with an IRS levy, consult our Practical War Tax Resistance #3: How to Resist Collection, or Make the Most of Collection When It Occurs.) by Thad W. Crouch It was April… Continue reading

A Sense of Freedom

Marion Bromley (1913-1996) was working for the Fellowship of Reconciliation in the 1940s when she met Ernest Bromley, who was circulating a statement about refusing to pay for war. She and Ernest married not too long after that and made their way to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they lived the rest of their lives. They are… Continue reading