Lawyer Peter Goldberger Speaks on Legality of Refusing to Pay Federal Income Taxes for Genocide

Peter Goldberger at Earlham

[Editor’s Note: The following remarks were made by Peter Goldberger at a National Lawyers Guild war tax resistance workshop over Zoom on April 4, 2024. Goldberger addresses three subjects: the legality and ethics of counseling illegal activity; the particular risks faced by legal professionals contemplating participating personally in tax resistance; and the argument by certain… Continue reading

Support NWTRCC!

| NWTRCC News, Things You Can Do
Paul and Kima holding a sign that states, "Stop Arming Israel."

Friends, As I write this, the fate of the 2024 presidential election is still unknown. Unfortunately, one thing we can always count on, whether it’s a Democrat or Republican in office, is that the US will continue to spend about half of our federal taxes on war and military! In fact, the US spends over… Continue reading

War Tax Resistance Gathering on Zoom – November 8-10, 2024

NWTRCC’s November 2024 conference will be on Zoom the weekend after the election. (Click here register.) We often meet the first weekend in November, but we know that many of our members will be canvassing and doing other pre-election activities. Friday Night Social Mary Sprunger-Froese of Colorado Springs will gather us together with three songs… Continue reading

Nicole Morse 2024

| Letters

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service March 24, 2024 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is my completed Form 1040 tax return for the year 2023 including the necessary schedules. I have underpaid for the year. This letter explains why, as a matter of conscience, I am not paying a symbolic portion of my… Continue reading

Understanding common IRS collection letters

image of IRS letter with heading "You have unpaid taxes for 2015 - Amount due: $1,922.39"

[Editor’s Note. This post by Erica Leigh was originally published in 2016, but all the information is still accurate. Many first-time resisters who filed this past spring are beginning to receive their first letters from the IRS. These letters can be intimidating and scary. With this in mind, we thought it was time to re-share… Continue reading

Living Simply in a New Way: An Interview with Robin Greenfield

[Editor’s Note: Robin Greenfield has been challenging people to think about their environmental impacts, their relationship to other animals and plants, and their enmeshment in economic systems for over a decade. Through YouTube videos, TV appearances, books, articles, public speaking, and other cultural work, he shares personal challenges he sets for himself and how he… Continue reading