[Editor’s Note: The following remarks were made by Peter Goldberger at a National Lawyers Guild war tax resistance workshop over Zoom on April 4, 2024. Goldberger addresses three subjects: the legality and ethics of counseling illegal activity; the particular risks faced by legal professionals contemplating participating personally in tax resistance; and the argument by certain… Continue reading
Frivolous Filing
Conscience Matters: Submitting a Statement of Conscience in U.S. Tax Court
I have been a war tax resister for many years. I withhold half of my income tax from the federal government and donate that amount to support the victims of war: refugees and veterans. I include a personal “statement of conscience” that explains my beliefs along with each tax payment. The federal government uses tax… Continue reading
Conscience and History: Frivolous Filing
At my very first NWTRCC meeting in 2008 in Eugene, we met a local couple who had resisted $50 of their taxes as their first foray into war tax resistance. Along with their return, and a check for the total tax amount minus $50, they enclosed a letter explaining their reasons for resisting. Unfortunately, the… Continue reading
Closing the Chapter, But Not the Book
by Elizabeth Boardman Kudos to Quaker attorney Bob Kovsky of San Francisco, who worked for seven years on a legal suit I brought against the IRS claiming that as a Quaker, I was subject to misdirection, threat and harassment by the IRS when I honestly and openly followed the precepts of my Christian church in… Continue reading
A Little Good News: War Protest is Not Frivolous
For years many of us in the war tax resistance network have been arguing with the IRS that no one should be charged with a frivolous penalty when they send a letter of protest against war spending with their accurate 1040 form, whether or not they are refusing some or all of the tax due…. Continue reading