There’s something of a learning curve to tax refusal. Maybe for some it’s easier than others, but a lot of us started small, increased our resistance over the years, adjusted our lifestyles, or changed methods as needed or desired. A war tax resistance workshop can hit you with a lot of information. NWTRCC and WRL’s… Continue reading
Federal Income Tax
Interest in War Tax Resistance is Growing Fast!!!
Interest in war tax resistance is the highest I have ever seen it. (I will give the caveat that I was born after the Vietnam War and became a war tax resister in 1998.) I know that the NWTRCC office was bombarded with calls following the US invasion of Iraq after 9/11, but the interest… Continue reading
WRL Pie Chart for World War I?
[Editor’s Note: Ed Hedemann created this post for a portion of NWTRCC’s website in 2015 that no longer exists. With it being the 100th anniversary of War Resisters League this year, it seemed appropriate to re-post it.] Had the War Resisters League been founded a few years earlier than 1923 and was producing its annual… Continue reading
Legacy of Witness: MennoCon 23
When the largest denomination of Mennonites in the U.S. met in Kansas City for MennoCon 19, H.A. Penner, along with other Mennonite war tax resisters, had put together a proposal that the Mennonite Church U.S.A. renew its Church Peace Tax Fund. The historical peace church had previously established a war tax alternative fund in the… Continue reading
Positive Responses to WTR
This string came off the war tax resistance listserve, which you can sign up for here. Ask questions, start a discussion topic, like Angie did, or ask for feedback about an issue related to war tax resistance. Angie got it started: I’m starting this thread to see if anyone has any stories they’d like to… Continue reading
The Bottom Line
Since World War II, the percentage of Federal funds from income taxes that goes to the military in the United States has varied from about 45% to 90%. While spending on the pandemic has skewed the numbers to the lower end, the average taxpayer paid around $2,200 to the military in 2022. While it is… Continue reading
Beyond Tax Day
Just like the Vernal Equinox, Tax Day came and went. As the national deadline to pay federal income taxes settled back into April, the frenetic energy seemed to be more prevalent this year. Over 20 public actions took place across the US to raise awareness that close to half of personal income taxes goes towards… Continue reading
Divesting from the US Military: “War Tax Resisters” Protest with Their Money
The Blog this week is an Opinion published by In Depth News and written by Lincoln Rice MILWAUKEE, USA, 17 April 2023 (IDN) — Since the beginning of 2022, the US has dedicated over $30 billion of military aid for war in Ukraine. Most of these funds will be used by the Department of Defense to… Continue reading
War Tax Resistance Events: Tax Day, May Meeting, Social Media Workshop
NWTRCC has been keeping busy this spring and we have more events just around the corner. Hopefully, you can participate in some of these events and share them with others… Social Media Workshop (Saturday March 18 at 2p Eastern / 11a Pacific) This session will be an introduction to using social media as a resistance… Continue reading
Pie Chart Prognosis
I’m rather caught up in the past lately, what with working on the War Resisters League 100th anniversary and helping finalize an unpublished autobiography by WWI resister and war tax resister Max Sandin. So, lacking any other ideas for a post here, I decided see what was in the NWTRCC newsletter 10 years ago. The… Continue reading
Robert Randall: Presente / Always Present
Reading my way through the New York Times one morning in May 2020, a photo caught my eye. It was a shot of a crowd from behind, but the one visible sign read “It Is NOT ok to Kill People.” The accompanying article was about the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia, and it… Continue reading
Move the Money — Mine and the Pentagon’s
I eagerly await my next letter from the IRS. I just got a letter from them “correcting” my 1040 for tax year 2020, filed on tax day, May 17, 2021. This latest letter came “right on time”; when I called in July 2022 the IRS employee told me it would be 16 weeks before my… Continue reading