
woman holding pink sign with black text: “Taxes For Healthcare NOT Warfare”


Kathy Kelly spoke at the November 2008 conference that got me started in resistance. Photo by Ruth Benn.


Robin Harper (yellow shirt) with Priscilla Adams (right) and Wallace Collett at a NWTRCC gathering at Swarthmore College, 2004.


NWTRCC supporter and friend Phil Runkel, Wisconsin, stands firm with his message. Phil had just come from an Earth Day arrest at the Pentagon with the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance. They had called on the Environmental Protection Agency to do their job in monitoring and bringing an end to the military’s complicity in causing climate chaos and then took that message straight to the Pentagon. Photo by Bud Korotzer/Desertpeace.


Rick Gaumer (Connecticut) and Kate Gandall (Brooklyn) hung out at the NWTRCC table during the peace festival at the end of the march at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. Photo by Ed Hedemann.


Daniel Sicken of Pioneer Valley War Tax Resistance made his opinion clear during the march from Union Square to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza near the U.N. on Sunday, April 26, organized by Peace & Planet: Mobilization for a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable World. Photo by Ed Hedemann.