May 2020 CC Meeting

National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee Meeting
May 3, 2020 • Online

Weekend Schedule

To Join our Virtual Meeting (by computer) Register on this page. You’ll be sent the Zoom info the week of the conference.

Minutes from the previous meeting(s) and other business-y things can always be found on this page –

Agenda Items and Materials for 3 May 2020

Consensus Process (5 minutes)

Intros (10 minutes – Jerry)

Consultant Reports (20 minutes)

Finance Report & Finance Notes – Income Statement and Notes for Statement(15 minutes – Chrissy)

Review Objectives – Items to follow up on – 2020 Objectives here (20 minutes – Anne & Jerry)

AdComm Nominees – posted here (10 minutes – Sue & Chrissy)

  • Lida Shao & Joshua Wrolstad


Proposals – NONE

Endorsements (10 minutes – Anne & Jerry)

Rep for Conscience & Peace Tax International Conference in Scotland – Report (10 minutes – Chrissy)

Gathering Location (15 minutes – Rick & Chrissy  / Initial Announcement by Anne)

November 2020, May 2021 – Invitations Welcome!
Colorado Springs has graciously extended an invitation for November!

Cards (5 minutes – Announcement by Lincoln)

Review of Conference (15 minutes – DeCourcy & Chrissy)