Elizabeth Lamb
FRANCES ELIZABETH LAMB 3460 NW MONTGOMERY DRIVE REDMOND OR 97756 April 17, 2007 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 7704 San Francisco CA 94120-7704 To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find my federal tax return for 2006. You will note that there is no check enclosed. I can no longer in conscience voluntarily pay federal… Continue reading
Michael Zargarov
United States Treasury Department. To Whom It May Concern: Regarding my Estimated Taxes for 2007 It is only with a huge reservation that I send this payment to the government as my first quarterly payment of the “Estimated Tax” for 2007, which money is to pay for Social Security and Medicare, as a “Self-Employment” Tax. (From the IRS website: “Self-employment… Continue reading
Kathleen Gilbert
To Whom It May Concern: Regarding my Taxes for 2007 It is only with a huge reservation that I send this payment to the government. You will note that I am not sending the full amount. As a matter of conscience I will not voluntarily pay money to a government whose daily order of business… Continue reading
War Tax Resisters Grow Harmony
By Susan Van Haitsma Imagine that you are sitting on a lawn chair atop a straw stack bordering a beautiful organic garden in the heart of Iowa. You are watching a golden harvest moon rise above the rows of corn that stretch out in front of you rustling like a sea of applause. The straw… Continue reading
Tamika Beyer
Dear friends, As we approach the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, I’m preparing to attend the rally being planned in New York City to protest this brutal war and current occupation. At the same time, tax day approaches and I’m preparing to protest the incredible amount of money being spent to fund war… Continue reading
John E. Phillips (Sept 2006)
Friday, September 22, 2006 An Open Letter to the IRS-#2: To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in response to the Request for Payment in the amount of $4,577.86, including penalties and late fees calculated by the IRS, due September 25, 2006. I explained in the enclosed letter, dated April 14, 2006, my reasons… Continue reading
Pointing To Another Way
by Stanley Bohn The Why As war tax resisters the why-we-do-it shapes the what-we-do. Since our reasons for not paying part of our federal income tax are not to avoid all taxes, my wife Anita and I use probably the least clever ways to resist taxes. We reduce our taxable income by giving as much… Continue reading
Manuel Shah
Manuel J. Shah XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Los Angeles, CA XXXXX 17 April 2006 Dear Internal Revenue Service of the United States Government: I vehemently oppose the ongoing US led military occupation of Iraq and continued operations in Afghanistan. Approximately 30% of our income tax dollars are spent on today’s military. This expenditure of federal tax dollars drains… Continue reading
Judy Conrad
April 17, 2006 Dear Folks at IRS, My total income for 2005=$9,337.50. Taking an earned income tax credit my calculations indicate a refund of $72.00. I ask that this $72.00 be used to pay war reparations to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq; victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Native peoples of this country, black slaves… Continue reading
Jordan Taylor and Mariana Garrettson
Jordan Taylor and Mariana Garrettson RR 1 Box 55c Union Dale, PA 18470 April 16, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: As with many members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) we (Jordan Taylor and Mariana Garrettson) have a conscientious objection to war. In the same way that our conscience, as informed by our… Continue reading
Daniel Woodham
April 14, 2006 From: Daniel Woodham To: IRS Re: Conscientious objection to payment of tax due Dear Employees at the IRS, Have you sensed something wrong with the USA these days? Lots of political corruption, wars raging and in the making, lots of wealthy people but many more poor and homeless people. You know what… Continue reading
John E. Phillips
Friday, April 14, 2006 An Open Letter to the IRS: The purpose of this letter is to present my decision to withhold further payment of Federal Income Taxes to the IRS and the U.S. Government. I am withholding paying the balance of the 2005 taxes that Form 1040A indicates I owe for the following reasons…. Continue reading