Index to Letters by Name

Jan Passion 2018

| Letters

16 April 2018  Dear good people at the IRS,  Enclosed is my 1040-V Payment Voucher for my 2017 taxes.  You will find a check in the amount of $1,268 due for self-employment tax (social security tax).  You will note that I have NOT paid my income tax due ($261). I would like to explain why. … Continue reading

David and Jan Hartsough 2018

| Letters

Dear Friends at the IRS, We are Quakers and cannot in conscience pay for the killing of other human beings or pay for war and preparations for war. Human life is too precious to drop bombs on people because we do not like their governments. Developing a new generation of nuclear weapons which could put… Continue reading

Larry Bassett 2018

| Letters

US Internal Revenue Service 1101 Court St. Lynchburg VA 24504 Dear Lynchburg IRS staff, I am sorry I have not been in touch with your office much sooner than this in my search for a solution to my federal income tax problem. Quite honestly, I did not realize that there was an IRSoffice in Lynchburg. But let me… Continue reading

Tom Haws 2017

| Letters

Thomas Gail Haws 859 North Lafayette Mesa AZ 85201 9 Apr 2017 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 7704 San Francisco, CA 94120-7704 Conscientious War Tax Resistance Dear IRS Employee, As a conscientious objector to war, I will not pay my 2016 income tax. I believe war killing is wrong and therefore I cannot pay for… Continue reading

Paul and Fran Sheldon 2017

| Letters

April 15, 2017 To the Internal Revenue Service: We support our country in all its peaceful endeavors, but for reasons of conscience and religious faith we do not support our country in its preparation for war and in war making.   We are deeply troubled by the fact that about half of the federal income tax… Continue reading

Larry Bassett 2017

| Letters

April 18, 2017 Internal Revenue Service Washington DC Copies to US Senator Mark Warner US Senator Tim Kaine US Representative Robert Goodlatte I have happily just passed the ten-month mark of my first year of massive resistance. I mark this new beginning of my life on June 11, 2016 with the death of my father and… Continue reading

David and Jan Hartsough (2017)

| Letters

Dear Friends at the IRS, We cannot in conscience pay for the killing of other human beings or pay for war and preparations for war. Human life is too precious to drop bombs on people because we do not like their governments. Developing a new generation of nuclear weapons which could put an end to… Continue reading

Ruth Anne Friesen

| Letters

Greetings to Whom It May Concern: It is April once again and time to pay Federal Income Tax. Please find my 1040 Individual Income Tax Return enclosed, along with other attachments. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I want to pay my tax money due to a Christian peace organization rather than to the Federal… Continue reading

Kevin Martonick (2016)

| Letters

Dear IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, Our country is full of innovative, creative, talented people who have great potential for solving any problem that comes our way including providing quality education and health care for all. It is incomprehensible that the U.S., apparently is the richest country in the world, does not provide for its citizens… Continue reading

Daniel Sicken

| Letters

Letter to the Editor of The Reformer: April 3, 2016 War is dangerously stupid. In this era of climate change, it is an overwhelming threat to the survival of humanity. War is incompatible with any long-term solutions to the effects of climate change. Humanity either wins by people and nations helping one another globally or… Continue reading

Amanda Seta

| Letters

March 8, 2016 Dear People at the IRS, Thank you for your certified letter dated March 7, 2016. In that letter you state that I owe $5,855.30 for the tax year ending December 31, 2014. I am writing to inform you that I will not be sending any money to the IRS. I cannot in… Continue reading