May 2024 CC Meeting Minutes

National War Tax Resistance

Coordinating Committee Meeting

May 5, 2024 * Online

Present: Lincoln Rice (Wisconsin), Shirley Whiteside (Iowa), Rick Bickhart (Virginia), Sue Barnhart (Oregon); Peter Smith (Indiana); Greg Reagle (North Carolina); Ed Hedemann (New York); Ruth Benn (New York); Larry Bassett (Virginia); Ginny Schneider (New Mexico); Cathy Deppe (California); Katy Murzda (Texas); Jennifer Shin (Minnesota); Brianna Saz-Perez (Wisconsin); Esme Snow (California); Korvin Ahimsaka (Oregon); Sarah Weber (Kansas); Chrissy Kirchhoefer (Missouri); Nick Lancellotti (New York); Howard Waitzkin (Illinois); Eleanor Forman (New York)

1 – Peter went over the NWTRCC consensus process.

2 – Consultant Reports

Coordinator (PDF report)

Outreach Consultant (PDF report)

Questions concerning both reports:

  • Larry, maybe remove phone number from Instagram page to push visits to website
  • Sue, phone calls can be good
  • Nick, Venmo, will it be reported to IRS? Yes, in with 1099-K changes, both Venmo & PayPal will be reporting NWTRCC donations to IRS.
  • Reason for increase on Instagram and TikTok? Younger folks use those methods; We the People was also pushing folks in our direction.

3 – Review Objectives (PDF Approved 2024 Objectives)

The following comments to the objectives were made:

  • Nick – There is a holding pattern with sessions at coffee shop in NY. Could be space for CC meeting in the future.
  • Shirley – are Spanish language section of website used? Over 300 hits in April 2024
  • Ruth – New WTR Guidebook in the works

4 – Finances (Financial Statements & Finance Report Notes)


  • Best way to donate? check or whatever work
  • What foundation will give us money? Barrett Family Foundation
  • Can we get to Quakers and Mennonites to donate? It’s best for their own members to ask.
  • Biggest expenses? Lincoln & Chrissy
  • Why is Chrissy under budget? She worked fewer hours than budgeted in 2023.
  • Did the Episcopal Peace Fellowship director reached out to NWTRCC? Not recently.
  • Nick – If fundraising posts going out, We the People are willing to collaborate, and will also reach out to other accounts.

5 – No Proposals or Endorsements

6 – Ad Comm Nominations (Three Wonderful Candidates)

Erica & Lindsey rotating off. After arduous discussion, approved Nick & Patricia. Approved with full consensus and one stand-aside.

7 – Future Gathering Locations (8-10 November 2024)

AdComm recommends meeting online unless a team is willing to host that can also handle the dual online component. There was a health concern raised about meeting in person. Lincoln will send out an ask to our email list see if there is a team willing to host.

8 – Signed Cards for those who could use them.

9 – Evaluation of the Weekend

Rick – Great weekend! Larry – Loved this meeting! and longer presentations by people. Lamented difficulties of consensus; Eleanor – Pass; Sue – Great! loved panels! Peter – Great to see people! And young people! Ruth – Great, but might be good to have a Sat small group to talk about the day; Ed – nice turnout; Cathy – great conference and variety and new vocab from younger folks, miss music and action from in person; Shirley – panels great; Friday, wanted more people for social hour; Greg – liked seeing people he had not seen in a long time; Chrissy – great panels, wish it could all be recorded; Sarah – loved panels, conceptualization of NWTRCC as group of groups is wrong, should not plan on groups to plan meetings; Jen – enjoyed sessions, wished social hour was longer to meet more resisters as a new WTR; Howard – gratitude, very moved by weekend, for some reason did not notice meetings notices before; Korvin – from what they could attend, panel with WTP and TRC were fantastic, would have liked to see even more younger folks; Paula – loved WTP presentation, need to study consensus; Eleanor – large # of folks was great; social hour, she had one person that was from before in second group; Lincoln – Great panels, wished even more younger people had attended.

10 New Business

Larry suggested a statement on Gaza. The following was approved to be brought before the network: NWTRCC supports the call for an immediate and permanent cease-fire in Gaza, and an end to US shipments of weapons being used in the Israeli government’s genocidal military campaign in Gaza. (Update: This statement did not reach consensus among our network. Some believed there needed to be a condemnation of Hamas actions and others wondered why we were producing a statement now when we have already published blog posts and articles with essentially the same content.)