May 2024 Coordinating Committee Meeting

May 5, 2024 Coordinating Committee Meeting

Agenda Items (materials and list of agenda items)

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Intro (facilitators… Shirley) 10 min

Consensus Process (Peter) 5 min

Consultant Reports (facilitators… Rick & Korvin)

Coordinator Report 10 min
Outreach Consultant Report 10 min

Review 2024 Objectives 15 min (Lincoln & Greg)

Finances and Fundraising2023 Financial StatementFinance 2023 Notes (facilitators…Shirley & Rick) 20 min


No Proposals

No Endorsements

AdComm Nominations – Three Nominees and Background Info (facilitators… Paula & Greg) 20 min

Next Meeting Location (8-10 November 2024: after presidential election) (facilitators… Shirley & Rick) 20 min

Cards – 10 min (facilitator… Lincoln)

Debrief 25 min (facilitators… Greg & Paula)

Group Photo

New Business – Planning for the Future Brainstorm – Remaining time (facilitators… Chrissy & Korvin)

Registration for Conference

Conference Schedule