Gathering Logistics & Registration

“Resisting Together”

War Tax Resistance Gathering and Coordinating Committee Meeting



Join us in November for a conference on Friday & Saturday (and our business meeting on Sunday). This will be a fully-online conference to permit more people to join us from more places.

The primary focus of the weekend will be exploring war tax resistance as an action that can be done in solidarity with others.

Schedule and Program

You are welcome to attend one session, all, or parts of the weekend.

Contact for the Gathering: Lincoln Rice 262-399-8217

Costs: Registration for the conference is $10. NWTRCC runs on a figurative shoestring. This fee helps keep NWTRCC going. Feel free to make a donation to NWTRCC above the $10 registration fee. It really helps us continue our mission. (*No one will be turned away for lack of funds*)

You can make a payment using the PayPal button above or by writing a check payable to NWTRCC and sending it to: NWTRCC, PO Box 5616, Milwaukee, WI 53205.

Venmo a donation (@nwtrcc or search by email,

Please register by November 1st

NWTRCC Conference November 2024 Zoom Registration (#16)