War Tax Resistance Online Gathering and Coordinating Committee Meeting
May 2-4, 2025
Weekend Schedule (subject to some adjustments)
(Times listed are Eastern & Pacific – Please adjust times for your area)
“Resisting Together”
Friday, May 2
8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Eastern (5pm-6:30pm Pacific): Social Hour
- After an introductory activity (TBD), we will separate into break out rooms so that people will have a chance to meet other attendees. Each break out room will have a topic for discussion that will be predetermined. If you have a suggestion for a break out room topic, you can include it with your registration at the bottom of the form.
Saturday, May 3
11:00 am – 12:30pm (8am-9:30am): Eyes of Freedom: Evolving Gifts of Simple Nonviolent Living Audio Documentary
Wally and Juanita Nelson in front of their cabin.
Eyes on Freedom tells the story of Wally and Juanita Nelson through their own voices and those who
knew them. The documentary was commissioned by the Nelson Legacy Project. This session will be an exciting chance to consider what people can learn from the Nelsons’ lifetime of simple living, war tax refusal, and peace activism and how it can apply in their lives today. After the screening, there will be Q&A with Betsy Corner and Bob Bady, who were friends of the Nelsons.
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (10am-11:30a): Global War Tax Resistance Panel
- This session will feature updates from war tax resistance groups from several countries, including the NWTRCC in the US, Conscience Canada, ConscienceUK, Conscience and Peace Tax International, and more. More details coming…
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm (12pm-1:30pm): Concurrent Sessions for Newly Interested and Current War Tax Resisters
- War Tax Resistance 101: An introduction to the why and how of this form of resistance, with discussion of potential consequences and resource referral. For people new to WTR or just getting started. Facilitated by Chrissy Kirchhoefer, NWTRCC Communications Consultant
- War Tax Resistance 201: Updates, trends, and Q&A for current war tax resisters. With NWTRCC Coordinator Lincoln Rice and the expert resisters in attendance!
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm (2pm-3:30pm): Resisting Taxes in the Trump Era
- Details coming…
Sunday, May 4
11:00am – 2:00pm Eastern (8am-11am Pacific): NWTRCC Business meeting (open to all)