by Becky Pierce I have been a war tax resister for the past 43 years, all of my adult working life. Since 1989, when I stopped filing tax returns, I’ve gotten very little attention from the IRS. Because I am self-employed, my income is not normally reported to the IRS. But a little over a year ago… Continue reading
Dental Office Forced to Close
by Tom Wilson “I am sorry to announce that The Commonwealth has taken action that forces me to close my dental office for non-compliance with licensure and newer infection control protocols. I am deeply saddened that I must abandon patients or face arrest. Your records and x-rays may be picked up at the office.” Thomas… Continue reading
Heaven and Earth
by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis In the summer of 2006, I officially became a Zen Buddhist and promised to uphold the Buddhist precepts. It seemed to me that the gravest of them was Non-Killing, and that the most violent thing I did was to pay my federal income tax. That summer Israel was dropping American-made… Continue reading
Miriam Copp
Miriam Copp 6117 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19114 April 15, 2008 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 37008 Hartford, CT 06176 To the Internal Revenue Service As a conscientious objector to war, I will not pay my 2007 income taxes. I believe war is wrong and therefore I cannot pay for it. There are other ways… Continue reading
Steev Hise
April 14, 2008 Internal Revenue Service cc: Congressman Raul Grijalva; Senator John McCain; Senator Jon Kyl; Senator Barrack Obama; Senator Hillary Clinton; (P)resident George W. Bush; Alan Gamble, Executive Director, Peace Tax Foundation Dear Sir or Madam, As calculated on the enclosed 1040 form, I am liable from tax year 2007 for 1,923 dollars in… Continue reading
Brian Baughan
April 14, 2008 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 37008 Hartford, CT 06176 To the Internal Revenue Service: In the attached 1040, you will notice that the amount indicated on line 75 is less than the total required by the federal government. This discrepancy is intentional, as my conscience and religious faith have spurred me to… Continue reading
Rick Gottesman
April 13, 2008 Internal Revenue Service Center PO Box 37002 Hartford, CT 06176-0002 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is a payment voucher for the amount of federal income taxes I owe for 2007. My tax return (Form 1040) was prepared and filed electronically on April 2, 2008. You will notice that I have not… Continue reading
Mary Ann C. Holtz
March 19, 2008 To the people working in the IRS, to President Bush, to Senators Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez, and to Congressman C.W. Bill Young: This is my annual letter of conscience and plea to my government to begin to respect the consciences and religious freedom of those of us who are opposed to… Continue reading
J. Tony Serra, the War Tax Resisting Attorney
By Ed Hedemann He’s been called one of the greatest criminal defense lawyers of the 20th century. He’s also only one of two war tax resisters since World War II to have been jailed for “willful failure to pay” federal income taxes. Last March, Tony Serra was released after spending nine months in Lompoc Federal Penitentiary in… Continue reading
Elizabeth Lamb
FRANCES ELIZABETH LAMB 3460 NW MONTGOMERY DRIVE REDMOND OR 97756 April 17, 2007 Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 7704 San Francisco CA 94120-7704 To Whom It May Concern: Attached please find my federal tax return for 2006. You will note that there is no check enclosed. I can no longer in conscience voluntarily pay federal… Continue reading
Michael Zargarov
United States Treasury Department. To Whom It May Concern: Regarding my Estimated Taxes for 2007 It is only with a huge reservation that I send this payment to the government as my first quarterly payment of the “Estimated Tax” for 2007, which money is to pay for Social Security and Medicare, as a “Self-Employment” Tax. (From the IRS website: “Self-employment… Continue reading
Kathleen Gilbert
To Whom It May Concern: Regarding my Taxes for 2007 It is only with a huge reservation that I send this payment to the government. You will note that I am not sending the full amount. As a matter of conscience I will not voluntarily pay money to a government whose daily order of business… Continue reading