As I write this, the fate of the 2024 presidential election is still unknown. Unfortunately, one thing we can always count on, whether it’s a Democrat or Republican in office, is that the US will continue to spend about half of our federal taxes on war and military!

Paul Stretch & Kima Garrison have led several war tax resistance workshops this year in Portland, Oregon.
In fact, the US spends over $1 trillion annually on defense. This is more than the next TEN countries combined! We also have 917 foreign bases in 98 countries. Our country supports the genocide being carried out by Israel in Gaza… now over 42,000 Palestinians killed with countless others still under the rubble. The fact that the US provides about 70% of the bombs and weapons that Israel uses for these atrocities has only made it more important to join in war tax resistance!
All of these numbers and facts have resulted in a much busier year for the NWTRCC office. More phone calls of interest and questions about war tax resistance and refusal. More online and in-person workshops with record attendance, and so much more. It’s more important than ever to support NWTRCC!
My war tax resistance journey began long before I had heard of NWTRCC. But when I “discovered” NWTRCC, it was like I had met my family for the first time! It really was such a relief to know I was not alone! Finally, I felt like I could definitely lean into being a war tax resister because I had support through NWTRCC. With this group, I found a path to working for peace.

NWTRCC also accepts donations using Venmo.
This is why I am asking YOU to support NWTRCC with a contribution. Or if you are able, make NWTRCC a beneficiary for your financial accounts or estate. I have made NWTRCC the beneficiary of my assets. They will receive both my savings and my retirement account in the event that I die before I retire.
There are many ways that you can support NWTRCC. Personally, knowing that my assets can contribute to a future of peace makes my heart sing! If you are dedicated to a peaceful future, please make a donation to NWTRCC today ( Set up an account with NWTRCC as a beneficiary! Bequests are a great way to pave the way for future generations to live in a world of PEACE! (Check out Please contact us and contribute today.
Until we live in a world of PEACE, we need NWTRCC for education, empowerment, outreach, community, and support!
Love and peace,
Kima Garrison
Thank you Kima! It’s an honor to partner with you in Portland.
Thanks to the so many people who over the years have written these periodic letters to all of us sharing why we should join the people who provide the financial support to NWTRCC that is necessary for this organization to continue to provide education and information to so many people who Want to know what they can do personally about the always present huge military expenditures supported by our taxes. Like the saying goes, “If you work for Peace, don’t pay for war!” There are so many better things to do with our money. Don’t pay for weapons and killing.