Bequests & Estate Plan Gifts

A bequest is a gift from your estate—a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans. You can make a bequest to NWTRCC by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to NWTRCC, or by designating NWTRCC as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.

Remembering NWTRCC with a bequest from your estate will help sustain and strengthen war tax resistance in years to come. Some of the advantages of creating a bequest include:

  • A bequest costs nothing now, yet gives you the satisfaction of knowing you have provided for NWTRCC in the future.
  • You retain control of and use of your assets during your lifetime.
  • You may modify your bequest if your circumstances change.
  • If you let NWTRCC know of your plans, we will be able to thank you now.
  • If your estate will be subject to estate taxes (meaning your estate will valued at more than $13.6 million, you can make a bequest to NWTRCC through our fiscal sponsor, ROSC (Resources for Organizing and Social Change). Please contact the NWTRCC office if this is the case.

Making a Bequest

A bequest to NWTRCC can be made for a specific amount, for a percentage of your estate, or for all or a portion of what is left after you have made bequests to your family. To make a gift to NWTRCC from your estate, you must sign a new will or living trust instrument, add a codicil to your present will, or make an amendment to your present trust instrument.

Alternatively, you can designate NWTRCC as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. To do so, contact the retirement plan administrator or life insurance company and complete the appropriate beneficiary designation form.

Those considering a planned gift should consult their own legal and tax advisors. NWTRCC staff are happy to speak with advisors as well.

To assist you in preparing your bequest, we have provided sample bequest language.

Bequests help NWTRCC continue…

  • answering questions on the hotline, (800) 269-7464
  • sharing stories of war tax resisters in the newsletter Refusing to Pay for War
  • responding to questions and inquires through email and postal mail
  • updating resources in print and on the website
  • reviewing our strategy based on member survey responses, toward decisions at our fall gathering
  • promoting refusal to pay for war through social media
  • holding two gatherings each year around the country
  • tabling at events and conferences, including School of the Americas Watch, Veterans for Peace annual convention, US Social Forum, and more.

If you would like more information about NWTRCC’s finances, see our recent annual reports. Please contact us with your questions, comments, and ideas.

Let Us Thank You

If you have included NWTRCC in your estate plans, please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity.

NWTRCC Name and I.D. Number

Both NWTRCC and THE NATIONAL WAR TAX RESISTANCE COORDINATING COMMITTEE are official names for NWTRCC. Either can be listed as one’s beneficiary.

NWTRCC’s federal tax I.D. number is 16-1565242 (if it is requested by your estate planner).

Sample Bequest Language

I hereby give ___________* to NWTRCC to support the objects and purposes of their organization. As of 2020, this is NWTRCC’s current contact information: / (800) 269-7464 / / NWTRCC, PO Box 5616, Milwaukee, WI 53205.

* Fill in the blank with the dollar amount, percentage of estate, or specific property you intend to give to NWTRCC.