Call for Revolution by Jose Guadalupe Posada
Time is running out…
If you haven’t placed a bid or checked on your bid now is the time to respond. Carlos Stewart has offered Flood Gallery to host the auction which is now exclusively online. Carlos is a former Ad Comm member of NWTRCC and currently serves on the Fundraising committee. You can find the link to NWTRCC’s benefit at Charity Auctions Today HERE before it concludes on Saturday June 27th.

One of 12 images of social justice poster series by Luba Lukova
Artists from throughout the U.S. have donated or discounted their artwork to support NWTRCC. Creative people have often been at the forefront of change in the world. Their ability to envision another world has been expressed through many mediums. Art has a way of evoking so many emotions common in the human experience. Often we have individual responses to our exposure to art that resonates with a collective knowing that extents beyond words. You will find poetry, sculpture, photographs and history amongst the offerings.
We all come to change from deeply personal experiences that motivate. Art is one of the uniting forces of being human on this earth. It can speak a language that is uniquely experienced but connects to universal messages. Now is the time for us to to support artists and end war. In this time of reflection we invest our money in ways that support the creation of a more nonviolent world.

Pray for the Dead collage by Amy Bartell. One of many pieces from the Syracuse Cultural Workers
GREAT NEWS—Who Knew Redirection Could Be So Easy (and you don’t even have to leave the house). Lincoln Rice, Coordinator of NWTRCC, mentioned that supporters have been generous in the annual Spring Appeal that was mailed out recently. In a unique sign of the strange times we live in, a few members have signed over their stimulus checks issued by the federal government to support the work of NWTRCC.
With the rising of Black Lives Matter rallies in every state in the US—encompassing cities, suburbs and rural area—a vision of a new reality is emerging at every sector of society that we could not even imagine a short time ago. The movement Divest from police departments and invest in community needs has been a catalyst challenging us to look at what we prioritize through through funding. This echos a core belief of NWTRCC.
We would love to hear what actions you have been participating in locally and nationally through writing letters to the editor, calling elected officials, having challenging conversations with others, etc. Let us know any preparations that you are making for Tax Day on July 15th and ways NWTRCC can help. Know that the choices you make have an impact upon the world. We are all contributing to this shared vision. We are better together; we know more than ever that we are all connected.
Here’s the link again for the Auction—where you’ll find this frog amidst other amazing artwork including a Not War note card series.

Cynthia Potter’s Paper Mache Frog Puppet
Post by Chrissy Kirchhoefer