Images have become an integral part of spreading information online. Often called memes, eye-catching images with some text overlaid can easily spread throughout social media. Memes can introduce a variety of people to activist causes, help people connect to new information, and build a sense of community around a cause.
NWTRCC shares memes through our Facebook and Twitter accounts already. And please follow us to see them! But I wanted to put some of those images in a static location, available to anyone, that you can look back to when you need inspiration! Click on any image to view a full-size version; then right-click or tap and hold the image to download it to your computer and reuse as you wish!
Do you have a favorite anti-war meme? Link to it in the comments.
War Tax Resistance Images (feel free to download and share!)
- image of Juanita Nelson speaking, with text of quote: ” Is it ever right not to refuse to pay taxes, when that money is used to kill? We stand in danger of making a god of the law. An official decree cannot make a wrong thing right. Must I continue to do harm until the state give me license to stop?”
- photo of sunlight streaming through a forest with text: “If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood.” – Thoreau – More Than Walden –
- image of Morpheus from the movie The Matrix with text overlaid: “What if I told you Trump can’t use your money for bombs if you don’t pay taxes?”
- sepia-toned picture of the backs of early 20th-century soldiers with text superimposed: “I have heard some of my townsmen say, “I should like to have them order me out to help put down an insurrection of the slaves, or to march to Mexico, — see if I would go;” and yet these very men have each, directly by their allegiance, and so indirectly, at least, by their money, furnished a substitute. Henry David Thoreau, “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” (1849),
- image of Dwight Schrute from the Office with overlaid text: “Taxes are used for good? False: Taxes are used for white supremacist violence”
- picture of two unmanned drones sitting on the tarmac, one headlined “Afghanistan” and one headlined “US Border” (with US Customs and Border Protection printed on the side of the drone). Text at the bottom: Refuse to pay for wars at home and abroad –
- 3 pictures of snipers in Ferguson, Afghanistan, and Standing Rock respectively. Text below: Reufse to pay taxes for wars at home or abroad –
- aerial photo of the Pentagon, over which is printed, “How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day? I answer that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it. -Henry David Thoreau”
- an image of the rusty brown border fence in Nogales, with the words “Will you pay for Trump’s border wall?” superimposed on the top of the fence, and “Resist taxes for border militarization this Tax Day, April 18” superimposed on the bottom of the fence
- clockwise from upper left: “War Tax Resisters Penalty Fund” with rifles to roses image, Small ways to start supporting war tax resistance!; image of W-4 form; image of people sitting in a semi-circle; man at computer; Kathy Kelly
- image of a skeleton on a park bench with words “waiting for an anti-war candidate”
- Divest from the Pentagon, Invest in People. Redirect your taxes from war to peace! National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee,, 800.269.7464
- ¿Gastos militares? ¡No con mi dinero!
- Divest from the Pentagon, Invest in People. Redirect your taxes from war to peace! National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee,, 800.269.7464
- text superimposed on Form 1040: Will you pay taxes for war this year? Learn ways to refuse and resist US militarism.
- 1/2 of your income tax dollar buys war – Don’t like what you see? Find out what you can do about it – – 800-249-7464
- image of a pile of multicolored question marks, with text superimposed: “War tax resistance is too complicated.” “Won’t I go to jail?” “We can’t just pick and choose what taxes to pay.” “Does refusing to pay war taxes really work?” Our responses to common concerns about war tax resistance: National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
- left: quote – “As a matter of conscience, I will not voluntarily pay my hard-earned money to a government whose daily order of business is waging war.” on right: image of bomb in shopping cart, with text: “I’m not buying it. National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee”
- Image of soldiers in camouflage carrying weapons, with an explosion in the background. Text – “900 bases in 153 countries is not fighting for your freedom. It is an empire.”
- A bombed-out building with walls falling or fallen down with the words printed over the top: “Has this hospital been bombed by America or Russia? I need to know whether I’m outraged.”
- images of tax forms, a sign reading “War Taxes Are Killing Us”, and a group of people sitting in a circle, with text in the middle: “What might happen if I refuse to pay war taxes?”
- “The most interesting man in the world” from the Dos Equis ad says, “I don’t always resist taxes, but when I do it’s because they fund racist wars.”
- on left: “Wars create refugees. Our taxes fund the wars. National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee –” on right: photo of truck driving toward refugee camp with many white tents.
- on left, quote: So many people who look into war tax resistance decide not to do it because of the risks, risk to bank accounts, salaries, relationships… Can we end this endless violence without risks? What will it take?” – Ruth Benn. National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, on right: image of Ruth Benn.
- on left: image of Cathy Deppe; on right, quote: “To many family and friends, a refusal to cooperate fully with the IRS is but a futile and ineffective ’tilt at the windmills.’ I disagree. If my story inspires even one other person to action, I feel I have already been effective.” – Cathy Deppe. National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee,
- image of a typewriter and papers on a table, with text superimposed: “Dear Friends at the IRS, We cannot in conscience pay for the killing of other human beings or pay for war or preparations for war. Human life is too precious to drop bombs on other people because we do not like their governments.” – David and Jan Hartsough
- text: “To the phone company: It is impossible for us to think of an acceptable way to kill human beings. Yet the Federal telephone tax is repeatedly asking us to finance murder. Our conscience forbids paying for war. We are motivated by the hope that citizens can be energized by love all year long. We invite you to support voluntary tax payments so that taxes will nurture and sustain life.” – Donald and Eleanor Kaufman. Learn more at
- text: “I oppose all war, so for me to pay federal income tax to train other Americans, largely people of color and of low income, to become professional hired killers to murder on command with no conscience would be more evil than being a soldier myself.” – Don Schrader. Learn more about war tax resistance,”
- picture of Julia Butterfly Hill in her tree-sit with text, ” “The greatest changes in history have only come when people are willing to put everything on the line.” – Responsible for the largest single act of War Tax Resistance in history – Julia Butterfly Hill”
Regrettably this comment section does not allow the posting of memes. Only text can go here apparently! Ironic?
Yeah, that’s to keep the spambots away. Feel free to post a link to any memes you like, though!
You can see another collection of anti-war memes from Conscience: Taxes for Peace Not War, on their Facebook page! Many good images:
I really really like them all. Thought provoking. Honest. Humorous. Inspiring. Motivating. What’s not to like? Also appreciate them on the website since I don’t do social media.