November 2017 CC Meeting

November 5, 2017 Coordinating Committee Meeting
Pioneer Valley Cohousing • Amherst, Massachusetts

Agenda Items (materials and list of agenda items)

Consultant Reports

Social media Report
Coordinator Report
Sam’s Evaluation of Field Organizer position and link to an online survey to help evaluate the Field Organizer position
Job description Field Organizer (fall 2016)

Review 2017 Objectives (set in Nov. 2016)

Finances and Fundraising –  latest finance report

Proposals 1, 2, 3, 4 PDF with all four + Proposal 5 (links below)

Proposal 1 – Commemorate 1918 “Bond Slackers”
Proposal 2 – Support Increased War Tax Education & Outreach by Peace Resource Center San Diego
Proposal 3 – Join the International league of Peoples Struggles
Proposal 4 – Tax Season Divest/Invest
Proposal 5  – Coordinator Job Transition options + related Budget draft

Endorsements (click here)

1) Movement for Black Lives Matter Policy Platform
2) Peace Pentagon Hub


Gathering weekend info