Beth Seberger speaking at Peace Mennonite Church in Lawrence Kansas, November 13, 2016
5th Avenue, New York City, November 12, 2016. Photo by Grace Hedemann
Cathy Deppe (right) holds a Ban Uranium Weapons banner in front of the Reichstag, Berlin, Germany, September 2016.
Peace Tax workshop leaders in Berlin, Germany, October 2016. Cathy Deppe is third from left in the back. At the table is Conscience UK
Fishbowl exercise at New England war tax resistance gathering
A fish bowl exercise at the New Englanf GAthering. Pictured are NWTRCC field organizer Sam Koplinka-Loehr speaking, and (clockwise) Mandy Carter, Mary Regan, and Joanne Sheehan with backs to camera. Photo by Ruth Benn
Anne Barron set up the NWTRCC/war tax resistance literature table at the 31st
Annual Veterans for Peace Convention in Berkeley, California. “Peace at Home,
Peace Abroad; A Just and Sustainable Future for the World’s Children” was the
theme of the convention, which was held August 11–15.
Book by Pat & John Schwiebert.
Sam Koplinka-Loehr speaking at a community event. Photo by Michael Dineen
Bill supporters outside Parliament.
Photo courtesy of Conscience UK
Joanne Sheehan, organizer for the Gathering, and Mandy Carter, who will speak
on Saturday. Photo by Linda Thurston.