Sharing our stories is one way we can start to create change. Galen Tyler (left) of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign shared his stories with resisters in Philadelphia on May 14, 2016. Photo by Bill Glassmire.
We don’t have a recipe for inspiring new war tax resisters—every person and every circumstance is different. To me, what this means is that the more ways we have of telling our stories and sharing our message, the more likely it is that our message will speak to a variety of people.
Consider this your call-out to share your experiences of resistance! In particular, I am looking for:
- New blog contributors and posts! Ruth and I, as NWTRCC’s paid consultants, are the primary contributors to the blog. Jason Rawn has also shared several posts related to his travels in Japan and Korea over the past year. Now I am calling on you. Did you have an interesting conversation with someone about war tax resistance? Do you have a story about a recent or long-past war tax resistance action or IRS collection you want to share? Do you have a theory or a thought about how to present war tax resistance or relate it to other people? Send me your idea and let’s talk! Blog posts can be 300-1,000 words.
- Podcast guests: I’m working on a podcast featuring thoughts from war tax resisters who have traveled overseas in the past year to do anti-war work. Would you like to be interviewed (via Skype is preferred) or would you like to record a story of your travel? Contact me! Contributions could be as short as 2-3 minutes or as long as 15 minutes.
- Letters to the IRS: We only have one new letter in our collection for 2016. Did you write a letter to the IRS this year that you are willing to share on our website? Send it along!
All contributions and queries can be e-mailed to wartaxresister at nwtrcc dot org. And if you prefer not to contribute, take a moment to share one of our podcasts, letters, or webpages with someone you know.
Post by Erica