
Climate Changed: Movin’ and Shakin’
Esther Kisamore personed the literature corner during the Pikes Peak Justice & Peace Commission annual meeting on January 28. The evening started off with a little and levity from Colorado Springs’ own First Strike Theatre performing a new post- , “Climate Changed: Movin’ and Shakin’.” The show highlighted “some of the dark turns being taken re inclusion, environmental integrity, racial justice, militarism, women’s rights…and encouraged folks to ‘vote with our feet, vote every day, frequent movin and shakin will get us on our way’,” says Mary Sprunger-Froese of the First Strike Theatre. Photo by Mary Lynn Sheetz.


Courtesy of Kayla Starr,


May 1983 NWTRCC meeting with (l to r) Kathy Levine, Mike Baum, Ed Pearson, Lisa Hicks, George Rodkey,


David Gross at the rally in San Luis Obispo, California. Photo by Dan Gross


Sam Koplinka-Loehr in Philadelphia on January 21. Photo courtesy of Sam Koplinka-Loehr and Camellia Tenutobanner


Ruth Benn ran into a rare show of force at the Women’s March in Washington, DC. Photo by Linnea Capps


Excerpt from Slideshow by Clare Hanrahan and Coleman Smith


Charles Carney speaking at Peace Mennonite Church in Lawrence Kansas, November 13, 2016