The 2020s
2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Causes IRS Delays
The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lock down threw the IRS into disarray. Most IRS garnishments and levies ceased during this time as a response to the economic hardship faced by many with a tax debt during the first year of the pandemic. The IRS also fell behind in processing paper tax returns and it took them over two years to finally catch up on their backlog.
2021 Large-Scale Resistance in Myanmar in Response to Military Coup
Millions of people in Myanmar are refused to pay their utility bills as a way to defund the military regime. To counteract this, the government sent soldiers to the homes of those with an outstanding utility bill to demand payment.

Students from Mandalar University Protest Military Dictatorship in Myanmar. Photo by CI for Myanmar Now.
2022 NWTRCC Celebrates 40th Anniversary
At its November 2022 conference on Zoom, NWTRCC celebrated its fortieth anniversary, which is a remarkable achievement for an antiwar organization. One of the panels at the conference explored NWTRCC’s history decade by decade.
2023 U.S. Support of Genocide in Gaza Prompts Surge in WTR
Following the October 7, 2023, Hamas invasion of Israel and the killing of 1,200 people, Israel bombed and invaded Gaza with a stated goal to destroy Hamas but, in turn, has killed over 48,000 Palestinians (with thousands missing), mostly civilians. This genocidal attack angered people around the world, generating almost daily protests. Many young activists in the United States, horrified that their tax dollars have been paying for the billions of dollars in U.S. weaponry sent to Israel, have called for a boycott of federal taxes. Israel expanded its war into Lebanon and increased attacks in the West Bank; Biden’s response was to promise another $8 billion in military aid to Israel.
2025 Trump’s Second Term in Office Keeps Interest in WTR High
Donald Trump was elected president with a vow of revenge against his enemies and “enemies within.” It is too early to tell if the IRS will be used against these “enemies” or if the agency, long disliked by Trump and many in Congress, will face severe budget cuts. It appears that the announced advisors and appointees will cut taxes for the rich and turn back any efforts to slow the climate crisis while increasing military spending and militarization at home. These policies have sustained the surge in interest that began when the invasion of Gaza.
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